Thursday, June 19, 2008

Outrigger Island, VBS 2008

VBS was this week, it started on Sunday night and concluded with a program tonight that we all got to enjoy. I always worry when I leave my children in the care of others, not because I don't trust the others but because you just never know how your children act when they are away from you. But, I got good reports from both groups of teachers so I am very proud of them. Alex's teachers let me know that his prayer brought tears to their eyes! Evidently the little boy that spends his days calling his brother stupid can think of other words when he is talking to God! I honestly don't even remember what they told me he said but they sure made me feel good. Alex can be very Godly at times this year during chapel at 1st Baptist Preschool he went up front and asked Jesus into his heart. He told the teacher that he wanted to go to heaven so he could see his Nana! I think he may be a preacher one day because he really loves Jesus although he likes "gas" also so I often times tease he is going to be a proctologist! John John went up front tonight to ask Jesus into his heart which made me proud but confused because John John asked Jesus into his heart a few years back. So when I asked him why he went up he said he just wanted to be sure! What an angel! A funny story about that, when I was in 2nd grade I went to a Church Camp for a week, I too got saved twice that week and when my mom asked me why I told her I wanted to be like the Daisy II pregnancy test, I wanted to be doubly sure! Like mother like son. Well, enjoy the pictures and Have a Joyful Day!!!!

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