Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sorry, no pictures!

So, my laptop has been in repair for a couple of months and I have to say that I am soooo.... happy to have it back. George has one also, but his "F" key doesn't work so it is very annoying. Have you ever tried to do anything without an "F"? Anyway, I am back but with not so good news! Now I really try not to make fun of people and you know my favorite saying is God Don't Like Ugly but I will admit that I made fun of my cousin Alison when her computer crashed and she lost all her pictures. I wouldn't even say I made fun, but I was amazed that she did not have them backed up. Well Guess what, neither did I!!!! How stupid is that? I take sooo.... many pictures and I lost a good many of them. So needless to say I have no pictures to post. I did find a wonderful friend of mine who was able to save some of them! Thanks OG!! And sorry Alison for making fun of you!