Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful for.....

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I am thankful for so many things but most of all I am thankful for my family!!! Being from a family with six kids can have its chaos but mostly it is great and I am so thankful to God for allowing all six of us to be together this wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm so excited!!!!!

I know this is probably not going to be as exciting to all of you as it is to me but this afternoon I was sitting in my much needing to be cleaned house and for some reason I told the boys to get dressed because we were going to Lake Wales Mall. No idea why but we were going. (I actually thought I could use my Kirklands gift card that I got last Christmas but evidently Kirklands is no longer there) So anyway, we walk into the mall and the first store the boys see is Game Stop! Not my favorite but definately theres!!! So John and Alex are up front playing Wii and Cass and I are looking around for a possible Birthday gift for John who will be 10 on the 30th. So, this young guy walks in and goes to the register and is asking about trading in a game of some sort and because I am nosy I listen. It is a PSP (which John would DIE for) and he is wanting to trade it in for cash. After checking it out the worker tells him that PSP trade ins are $50. He asks the young man for the cord and he informs him that he doesn't have the original cord, he has a car charger. Not good enough, that will be $15 off so they are offering this guy $35 dollars for a practically new PSP. So being the frugle mom that I am I walked right up to the young man and told him I would give him $50 for the PSP and he was so happy he even threw in a free game!!!!! YEAH!!!! I got John John a PSP for fifty bucks!!!! I know that God is a busy man but isn't it great that he had time to send me to Lake Wales!!! Now if you see John John don't say anything, because he is not getting it until next Sunday!!! Anyway! Not so exciting for you, but great excitement for me (and my pocket book) Have a "JOY"ful Day!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 months!

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I wasn't planning on doing this but I noticed that tomorrow is the 10 month anniversary of Nana's departure! It is still so hard to believe. You know, if you have ever lost anyone you have good days and bad days and I am happy to report that it finally seems as though the good days are outnumbering the bad ones. I am not looking forward to the holidays though, especially Halloween! My mom loved Halloween. Every year since John John has been trick-or-treating we have gone to Andy and Sandee's house for a big party!!!!! It was always the highlight of Halloween for mom and she looked forward to it every year!!!!! She will be greatly missed this year especially by those of us who depended on her to help keep wandering kids on the hay wagon and not in the road!!! Sunday after church we went to Lake Placid so the boys could decorate Nana's grave site. I am not sure if it is really politically correct to put Halloween ghosts on someones grave site but they wanted to do it and I was not about to tell them no. So here are some pictures of the boys decorating and a few of Alex "hugging" Nana. It was a very emotional time but they had fun and it is good for them to do stuff like that!!! (It's good for mommy also!!) I threw in a few more odds and ends also!!! One more quick thing before I go. The other day we were at Kelly and Kyla's house and Kyla had a stack of Halloween outfits laying on the chair. I told her they were adorable and asked her where she got them and she told me that Nana had bought them. Without missing a beat, Alex looks up and says "I thought Nana was in Heaven." It was so cute and I had to explain to him that Nana had bought them before she went to heaven. I am sure he was thinking wait a minute, you all been keeping me from Nana for 10 months and now I find out she's been shopping all this time!!!!!! You know she did love to shop!!! Anyway, enjoy the pictures and Have a "JOY"ful day!!!!!!

I'm Back!!!!

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fill in the blank!

I don't have any new cute pictures to post, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know what an absolutely wonderful family I have. As you all know John John is playing football this year. Today his game was in Lake Alfred. His games start at noon so you all can only imagine the heat that you must sit through! But not to keep away my wonderful family. My dad flew in from Indiana to meet the new Grandson but also to see John play football. My sister was up from Naples, my brother Trent was up from Ft. Myers and all of them went to the game to cheer John on. Daddy George and Uncle Nent even volunteered to sit in the truck with the little kids so they didn't have to burn up. (It was Uncle Todd's Truck so of course there is a DVD player) it was so nice to be able to watch a game with no little ones to worry about. So I am sending my dad back to Indiana with a sunburn (mere memories of one more football game!) but I can not tell you how blessed I feel to have had all those people there to cheer John and the Thunderbolts on!! (Just for the record his team lost for the 1st time this season!) Have a "JOY"ful Day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Not such a slacker!

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For those of you who actually check this thing often please let me apologize for my slacking! I don't really have an excuse but if you would like me to come up with one let's just say I have been busy cleaning house!! Anyway, I really don't know what has been causing the slacking. Probably the fact that I am back at work! I no longer have the luxury of staying up all night doing smilebox. Whatever the reason, I am back and I have put together a little snippet of what we have been doing this past week. I hope you enjoy and I hope you have a "JOY"ful day!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

He's finally here!

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I will write all about it later! Just wanted to get up some pictures!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our crazy life!

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There is really no rhyme or reason for this post, just some cute things that have been happening that I wanted to share. Have a "JOY"ful Day!

A day in the life of a birthday monkey!

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Wanted to let you see how we celebrate a birthday on Roberta Ave. Here it is from morning to night! Hope you enjoy. Have a "JOY"ful day!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tomorrow will be 8 months since mom passed. August 14th would have been her 61st birthday. Paula and I have regretted many times not throwing her a big party for her 60th but you know my mom and unless all her kids could be there she did not want it and it was virtually impossible to get all of us together so she wanted us to wait. The one thing she did want for her birthday was a family picture. As I was going through my pictures tonight I found these. We took these at her funeral, I am only sorry she did not get to carry them with her in her purse and show them to anyone and everyone. I am sorry she never got to hold it and brag about her grandkids and tell everyone how she only has 1 granddaughter. I miss her soooo... much as I know many of you do. Some days I can't imagine one more day without her and other days I am so thankful for the strength she instilled in me to be able to make it through the bad days. Anyway, I wanted to share the pictures with all of you just like I know she would have, had she been able to hold them in her hands. Have a "JOY"ful day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our little Birthday boy!

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The day is finally here, Cass Cass is turning two. It seems like just yesterday he was puking all over us. Cass shares his birthday with George's daughter Rachael, who he knows as Sissy,(on the day Cass was born George was having a newborn and had a daughter who was turning 13! Not too smart on George's part!) so we are actually celebratig 2 Birthdays today. (and not to forget my nephew Eric who is the big 13 today) I know we are weird but for some reason we like August 4th. As I sit here typing I am thinking of my mom and how much she loved Birthdays. She may not have made a big deal about ours as we got older but she certainly did not slack on her grandkids. I wish she were here to watch him blow out his candles and to give him his Birthday spankings. I wish she were her to eat his Birthday morning pancakes and to watch with joy as he opens his presents. I miss her so much! She definately was the greatest NANA in the world and although the kids do not realize what they are missing, I do. But I know Cass will have a great day, just as Alex did and just as John will. We love you Cass and we pray this year will be awesome for you! You are our Sweet Angel!

Get off the sidewalk, Rachael can drive!!!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cupcake disaster and blessing!

OK, so many of you know that my brother and his fiance are expecting their first child in a couple of weeks, so my brother asked me if I could fill in at Pizza Hut for Kyla while she is out with Kamdyn. Not a problem, I have worked a Pizza Hut many times and I will do anything to help Kelly so I said sure. Problem was it was Monday night and Alex was turning 4 on Tuesday and I needed to have Ninja Turtle cupcakes before one o'clock when we were going to RJ Gators for lunch, oh, and I had to work summer school the next morning. Not a problem, I don't sleep too well usually anyway, so I would make them when I got home from Pizza Hut, at 11:30! So I did it and they were cute and I finished them at 1:14am! ( I have the time on the picture) so the next morning I had them on the table to surprise Alex and he loved them! So before I left to go to work (at 7:15) I put foil over them and put a big note that said do not touch!!!!! Easy huh! Evidently not because I got home and got the kids ready and went to leave when I remembered to grab the cupcakes. Only when I looked for them I couldn't find them. No, they did not get eaten, they were underneath, yes I said UNDERNEATH the Pizza Box. Evidently the kids had decided to eat left over pizza for breakfast and put the box right on top of the cupcakes which totally ruined them for any kind of public consumption. So we left for RJ Gators and I had to call Tina in tears but she calmed me down and not only that but when I got to RJ Gators, our waitress Sherry, who I am embarrassed to say know us by name, asked what was wrong and so I had Tina tell her the story (because every time I said cupcake I cried) and God is Good because she just happen to have stopped and gotten cupcakes that morning to share with everyone at work to welcome her new puppy! So Sherry saved the day and once again I was reminded God is Good all the time and all the time God is good!
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For the past few years John has been asking me, more like begging me to let him play football. I really don't have a problem with him playing as far as injuries go, I just had it so easy with Soccer, (2 practices a week only lasting an hour and 1 game on Saturday morning) But this year was different, his friend's dad is the coach and his mom goes to each practice (and stays the whole time, She doesn't have a 4 and 2 year old though) so they asked if he could play and graciously offered to do the driving to and from practices so how could we say no. It has been one week today since he started practice and I must say he absolutely loves it. I love watching him get into his jersey and I love to see the way his little brothers look up to him in awe. Having 4 brothers I was around sports all my life, and I spent many years on the side of the football field. A little secret not too many people know about me is that I actually have a varsity letter for football from high school (it was for being statistician, but I still have it.) So anyway, to say I am excited is an understatement. I am ecstatic!!!! I remember Shawn West sent me an e-mail when I found out I was pregnant with Cass, my 3rd son, and she simply said that God must know that I am a good mom to boys. I have thought about that so many times and especially now that she is pregnant with her little boy. I do love my boys, I love every stinky little bone in their body. And I thank God that he knows how much I would love a little girl but keeps giving me my sweet boys! I will be sure and keep you posted on the outcome of the games as they begin. Don't forget to pray for my little man and all the others who are pouring their souls into a game we all love!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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Not to be redundant but this is the ORIGINAL Birthday blog that I did for my Alex yesterday morning and since it magically reappeared I decided not to let it go to waste. So once again Happy Birthday Alex we all love you!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Alex, It's your Birthday!

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So today is Alex's 4th Birthday and I have done everything in my power to make it special for him but it seems like I keep getting road blocks (and a few blessings but I will have to blog about that one later) Anyway! I wanted to re-post this slideshow for Alex (notice I said re) Enjoy our Angel and Have a Happy 4th Birthday Alex! We love you!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Birthday Boys!

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Tuesday, July 22nd, will be Alex's 4th Birthday! I almost cannot imagine it. Since Cass's Birthday is on Aug. 4th we went ahead and combined the party and had it at the Children's Museum! They had a blast!!!! They were so excited all week just thinking about it and I loved the fact that all I had to do was threaten to cancel the party and they would behave!!!! I made a slide show of the great event! I am getting addicted to smilebox, which would be great if my addiction of smilebox would take over my addiction of chocolate unfortunately I just do smilebox and eat chocolate!!!! Not a good thing. Anyway, we all had a great time! I am sitting here now in the midst of gift bags (I love birthdays so I can stock up on them!) and Aunt Bebe's LOUD guitar ( I am not sure what I did to her but she is definitely making up for it with this gift!) and I am realizing how truly blessed I am. I have great friends and family that gave up 2 hours of their lives to come and show my children that they are loved! It is such a simple thing but I appreciate it so much! I love birthday parties, such a great time to look back on the past and look ahead to the future. Alex will be in K-4 this year and Cass in the 2 year old class. Alex is moving up to children's church (no more nursery), and Cass is moving out of the baby nursery into the "Big Kid" nursery! Where does the time go. I used to ask my mom if she got sad watching us grow up knowing that we would never be babies or toddlers or teens again, and her response was "I had six kids, I didn't even notice!!" But I know she did notice and she would tell me all the time to enjoy my kids, and I definitely do enjoy my kids! Thanks for reading and letting me go on and on and Have a "JOY"ful Day! Happy Birthday Alex and Cass!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun in the sun!

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Last week we went to a friends house to let the kids play on the waterslide and they had an absolute blast! Jackie is a friend of mine from high school who teaches in Avon Park and now we have kids the same age! It is so neat for me to be able to be with people from my past. It was so nice to catch up and to see her mom (who went to school with my mom so she has lots of stories) The kids had a blast and the parents had a blast! Thanks Jackie, Ian and Owen for inviting us over!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A true Hollywood Wedding!

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Today one of my best friend's (Tina) neices got married. I have known Amanda for quite a while and I was so blessed to be able to be a part of her special day. Tina's sons were in the wedding so a few of the pictures are from before the wedding and some are of the reception. We had a great time. The boys danced, as usual. (Daddy was the DJ) So enjoy the pictures and remember to say a prayer for the bride and groom that God will bless them in all they do. Have a "JOY"ful day!

Friday, July 11, 2008

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This past week John and 2 of his friends, Kendall and Cole, attended Music camp at 1st Baptist Church in Sebring. They had the chance to learn different instruments and practice their singing as well as learn a play which they performed for family and friends tonight. The Play was Called Good Kings come in small packages, it was about King Amon and King Josiah. John was King Amon, and Kendall was Elizabeth, who was the palace cook. (Cole was too shy for a speaking part but says next year he will definitely try for one.) The play was absolutely adorable and the kids were amazing. To think they could put it all together in a week was amazing. I love to see little kids who are totally in love with GOD! I pray that the love they have now will continue to grow and they will never forget what our God is capable of. Have a "JOY"ful Day!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Click to play 7 months in Heaven!!!
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When I first began putting together this slide show it was still yesterday, and yesterday was the 7 month anniversary of my mom going to Heaven. I always feel like I need to recognize the 9th of the month in some way even if it is just mentioning it to one of my friends. Last month on the 9th I was on vacation with my sister and we actually talked in depth about the day it happened, and about how weird it was that one minute it seems like mom is still here and the next it feels like she has been gone forever. I hope you enjoy the slideshow. ( I am still learning) I personally feel as though it goes too fast but I couldn't change it. (I am sure someone with greater expertise could change it but I cannot.) And by the way, while I have your attention may I please inform you that July 9th is also Lance's Birthday! He is 37 today! (We are only 11 months apart so for 1 month every year we are the same age!) Cool Huh! My Grandpa used to joke with my mom about having a private room at the hospital!!!!! So anyway, Happy Birthday Uncle Boop and I pray that God will Bless you greatly this year! Have a "JOY"ful Day!

Monday, July 7, 2008

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I know I already posted some of these but I couldn't sleep and I was excited about messing with smilebox! Enjoy!

Taylor's Birthday, part 2!

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After much anticipation the Birthday princess finally arrived in Sebring. I know I wasn't with her on her real Birthday but we certainally made up for it. I was so inspired by seeing her that I created my 1st slideshow in honor of her Birthday. Todd informed us today that he was just going to block out the week of Taylor's Birthday as a national holiday! Enjoy the slideshow and Have a "JOY"ful day!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Aunt Kyla's Rock!

Wanted to post a picture of the news of the week in our family. My youngest brother Kelly gave his girlfriend a ring yesterday and we are all proud of the job he did. No date as far as I know but at least we have made it this far. Kelly and Kyla are getting ready to welcome a new son to the family in August, they are naming him Kamdyn Todd. We are so excited for all the good things happening in their lives. We love you Uncle Kelly and Aunt Kyla!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Red, white, blue and Fun! Happy 4th of July!

Cass at the end of the day! What an angel!

Wearing glow necklaces we found in Nana's Freezer! The same picture with the lights off!
Cass with his Sparkler!
The gang during the firework display!
Alex decorating our "Star Cake"

Cass enjoying the "Star Cake"
Eating red, white, and blue popsicles!
John's plate of food! Yummy!

Cass in the pool! (Thanks Christine)

Alex in the other pool!
Cass eating corn on the cob for the first time. (John sneaking in the picture just for the fun of it!)
Sissy and Alex!

For the past several years we have gone to Naples to spend the 4th of July with Paula, Todd and the kids but this year it didn't work out so we ended up staying home and having a party of our own. It started out yesterday when daddy put up the pool to get it ready for today. Aunt Paula and Uncle Todd have a beautiful pool with an attached hot tub but my kids didn't care, they thought they were at Aquatica in our own back yard. Isn't it amazing that so many times we think that bigger is better but kids don't really care. So daddy put up a pool and Ms. Christine bought Alex and Cass a pool with a slide for their birthdays (which are coming up) so I put that one up and we had a pool fest in the back yard. Charlie and Madison came over this morning to swim and they brought yummy donuts (Thanks Trish). The kids had so much fun swimming and sliding. After they went home it was time for mommy to get in the pool with the boys! The water was freezing but I endured and had a great time. (I am so amazed with my wonderful children. They are such a reflection of God' amazing love.) When I was finally worn out we got out and had some lunch and it didn't take long for the little boys to fall asleep. So now we were on to planning for round 2. Sissy came over so while the little boys slept, she and John played in the pool, and I got to go to Wal-Mart for the 2nd time in a week all alone. By the time I got back and got in a little nap of my own everyone was awake and ready to swim again. The kids swam and daddy and mommy got busy with the Grilling! Typical 4th of July Fare, Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Mac & cheese and Corn on the Cob! After clean up they were ready to go outside and do our traditional $20 firework extravaganza!!! We always have plenty of sparklers and this year Cass even got in on the fun. We even got the annual serenade of The Star Spangled Banner sung by daddy while he holds up a sparkler! ( I am so sorry I didn't get a video so that you all could enjoy the Solo!) We drove around the lake to take Sissy home thinking we could watch the fireworks but they were so late we were almost home by the time they started. We finished watching them in our front yard (My house is close to the lake and my mom actually used to sit in the recliner in the living room and watch them out the window!) Cass is sleeping and the other boys are headed that way quickly! What a great Day! I missed being in Naples but I will see them on Sunday! Oh, I almost forgot, while we were eating dinner Aunt Kyla called,and truthfully I almost didn't answer because Aunt Kyla calls a lot, but I am so glad I did, she was calling to tell me that she got an engagement ring today from Uncle Kelly! Way to go Kelly! I am so happy for them.