Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Girls can do anything, especially TAYLOR!

I am sitting here remembering this night, 6 years ago, and I am amazed that it has been that long. Tomorrow is Taylor's 6th Birthday and I was trying to think of the words to put to express how much "JOY" she brings into our lives. For those of you who don't know, Taylor is the only Niece that I have. I have plenty of nephews, and 3 sons, but Taylor Drew is my princess! I was in the delivery room when she was born (along with about 14 others) but I had the place of distinction ( I was by Paula's head cheering her on, I wanted to make sure she heard every word I said, not to mention I did NOT want to see any blood!) So there I was after about 30-40 hours of little to no sleep and I am not sure who cried more, Paula or me! (Probably me because that's just my nature) I remember passing her around to everyone ( Nana was 1st in line but I believe grammy won out) but I was in no hurry because I knew that after everyone was gone I would get all the time I needed with my girl. (After all, it was summer, and I am a teacher.) So I did stay in Naples for a couple of weeks and every morning I would get up with my Taylor Bug and give her a bottle, (and give her mommy a break, because we all know how Paula loves to sleep) then I would bathe her and dress her (She had a custom built closet full of clothes and she was so little nothing fit) But not to worry, she was a princess and I made sure she looked like one everyday. (And thanks to Paula's love for shopping and Todd's bank acct. she has managed to continue to look like a princess daily) So in honor of the Princess's 6th Birthday I thought I would do a list of the top 10 reasons I love my Tay Tay!

1. I love her because she is Nana's girl! Nana loves all her grandsons but we always knew who had her heart. (Nana spent many hours in prayer trying to get that GIRL!)

2. I love her because she thinks I am cool and would rather ride in my Freestyle than in her mom's Lincoln MKX?!?

3. I love her because she always lets me do her hair (and now that she is older she actually keeps the bows in instead of running to daddy so he could take them out)

4. I love her because honestly she is just like her Nana, a little bit tacky! (She would proudly wear anything that her Nana made her and would think she looked just as good as if she were wearing Gymboree.)

5. I love her because she is always up for a cinnamon pretzel and a diet coke.

6. I love her because she gives me a reason to shop in the girls section. (and to buy Vera Bradley purses!)

7. I love her because she is a great cousin to all my boys! (and a great helper also)

8. I love her because she has loved John John since day one! (Ever since the day we snuck him into her hospital room she has thought he was wonderful, and he thinks the same of her.)

9. I love her because she loves a road trip and lord knows we have been on many!

10. I love her because she is convinced that the 4th of July Fireworks are something that we, her family, have arranged for her Birthday every year!

Happy 6th Birthday Tay Tay! We all love you. (but especially me!) Love, Aunt Dree


Anonymous said...

One day I bet Taylor will write about your in her blog! You are an awesome aunt and mom and a great person! Hope you all have a safe and HAPPY 4th of July.

Unknown said...

Awww, that's so sweet! I can tell you are an awesome aunt!!

Jody Swaine said...

That is the kind of childhood stuff I remember. Awesome to see people (you) still sticking with some of those great life long memories. Love to you and yours-Jody